2024-03-01 16:00:00
Our masters at the CDC finally said what we always knew: You can treat COVID-19 like any other respiratory virus.
What did Leslie say in August 2021? “Today’s [coronovirus] variants are just common cold variants.”
The CDC announced that you don’t have to isolate yourself for five days after you test positive for COVID-19 no matter what.
Look, don’t test yourself unless you have to.
CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said: “When you get sick, stay home and away from others.”
You mean to tell me when you’re not well with an infectious illness, you should stay at home and away from people!? You should stay away from people until you’re fever-free for 24 hours without the help of medicine!? This is hilarious:
Instead of setting a strict 5-day isolation period, the new guidance says people can return to normal activities so long as their symptoms improve, and continue improving over 24 hours and they no longer have a fever, without having used fever-reducing medications.
The guidance also recommends that people who are recovering from respiratory illness take additional precautions for five days, like wearing well-fitting masks, washing their hands, keeping a distance from others, and improving ventilation in their spaces.
“We wanted to give folks simple, actionable things that they can remember and do in order to protect themselves,” says Cohen, adding that the country is “in a different place related to COVID than we’ve been in the past.”
In its announcement, the agency said the decision reflects the “progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19” — and that a unified approach makes recommendations easier to follow and more likely to be adopted by Americans.
The “progress we had made.” No, dummies. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew all along that you could treat COVID like any other respiratory virus.
This is how it should have been all along!
In December 2019, someone in this house caught the flu. We isolated her, and I stayed in the room with her. I ended up getting it, and it turned into pneumonia because of my RA. Pneumonia is not contagious, but I still stayed away.
But guess what happened. NO ONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE EVER GOT SICK. Isn’t it weird what happens when you stay away from people, wash your hands, and disinfect everything when you have a contagious illness?
Also, who wants to be around other people when you’re sick!? I had the flu last week. No one else got sick. I stayed away from everyone, washed my hands, and disinfected. I didn’t emerge until the fever broke because you’re not contagious without the fever.
It’s also weird how the flu has returned. I’m also glad the doctors don’t get all huffy when you say no to the COVID shot.
Oh how I wish Leslie was here. She could tell everyone I told you so. I’ll add the video she always uses from one of the BEST CHRISTMAS MOVIES EVER.
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