Code of Ethics and Conduct

As a defining document, this “Code of Ethics and conduct” outlines the essence of conduct expected of all members. Conduct as it relates to our mission to support and defend the Constitution; image presented to the public; 

First and foremost, it is imperative to understand, and act respectively, that; all members of Veterans in Defense of Liberty™ (ViDoL) reflect upon the credibility and reputation not only of ViDoL, but also upon the entire veteran community, and upon our brothers still serving on Active Duty. Today the veteran community and our military enjoys an unprecedented degree of respect and admiration from the American public that we served. 

It is, therefore, the fundamental principle that we, as an educational organization and individually – never act or speak in a manner as to tarnish that respect and admiration. Individually and collectively, we must subscribe to the highest standards of honor and integrity.

1. I am fully responsible for my own actions and will not (cannot) hold ViDoL, any members, Board of Directors, or officers thereof, responsible for any consequences occurring out of my actions.

➢ I will never act as an aggressor in any situation. This does not preclude my inalienable right of self-defense or rendering defensive aid for another.

➢ I will not become verbally confrontational with/or towards another, even when they may be towards me or my brothers/sisters.

➢ I will not use offensive, cursive, foul, or sexually explicit language in the public eye.

➢ I will, at all times, exercise self-discipline.

➢ At any time I violate this “Code of Ethics and Conduct,” I am by that act immediately suspended from ViDoL for the duration of the event.

• That suspension shall remain in effect until a determination is made by leadership.

2. As a responsible adult, I will handle any inter-organization disagreements with civility and only within the organization.

➢ If unable to resolve an interpersonal issue with the other party directly, I will:

• Refer the matter up the proper chain of command for arbitration.

• I will abide by the arbitrated decision or resign my position and return my patch’s.

3. Recognizing that veterans serve as Role Models to many, and understanding we never know who we may be influencing at any given time, I will always use sound judgment and demonstrate exemplary leadership qualities.

• I understand that the mere appearance of impropriety is improper.

4. I will never publicly disparage any fellow brother of VidoL or their Board, officers, leadership, or the organization itself.

• I shall demonstrate my ongoing commitment to the core values of integrity, decorum, honor, duty, country, responsibility, and respect.

5. I realize that while participating in any event, there will be designated “communication officer(s),” and only they are authorized to communicate with the media.

➢ I will not assume any media to be friendlies.

➢ I will refer all media questions asked of me to the Communications officer.

6. I realize that as an active veteran’s organization, the Chain of Command is always in effect.

➢ I will follow the Chain of Command.

➢ There will be multiple issues that can be addressed and decided by the majority vote in ViDoL meetings by veteran members.

• Associate members have all Rights and Privileges thereunto pertaining, except for the vote.

✓ Associate members are, as veteran members, bound by this “Code of Ethics and conduct.”

➢ Great deference will be given by the command structure to the vote of the meeting.

✓ The command structure of ViDoL after communications with the commander and/or officers may countermand any decision of the meeting vote.

7. I recognize that I am a sworn defender of the Constitution of the United States of America. Consequently, of the culture which proceeds from it.

➢ “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …”

8. I recognize that today we find ourselves in a “Cold Cultural Civil War.” This conflict pits our Constitutional Republic and Nation of Laws against a Socialized form of America.

➢ I recognize, as stated by Ben Franklin, “[I]t is a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own.”

➢ I am acutely aware that any misstep on my part in conduct; will be used by those on the other side of this conflict to demean ViDoL and its members, leadership, and the organization itself, to lessen the effectiveness of our engagements.

9. I shall conduct myself and work to increase the positively: respect, creditability, and strategic position of LRA and ViDoL – to the public, our members, the nation, and communities we serve.

10. Membership in Veterans in Defense of Liberty is a privilege, not a right. The Board of Directors, Commanding Officer (ExDir), Commander of Veterans in Defense of Liberty™ reserves the right to take any action necessary to maintain the excellent order of ViDoL.

11. Veterans in Defense of Liberty™ sole mission can be summed up, as to continue honoring our oath that did not expire when we hung up the uniform for the last time. It is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and veteran’s issues. But they are all veteran’s issues:

• We often hear about the need for us to focus on “Veterans’ Issues,” as if our mission ought to be limited by some outside, though well- intended, mindset that has pigeonholed all veterans and their issues into a neat, little corner of the political spectrum. However, there is a problem with that.

They’re all veteran’s issues.

When we veterans raised our hands to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, we did so, not for a piece of paper enshrined in our collective history, but for the society, it has established and guided for over 200 years. We veterans have been willing to fight and die so that those left at home can be able to benefit from the greatness of our nation and society, precisely because we defend the framework upon which it is all established.

Therefore, ANY issue that threatens our society, our way of life, or our cultural identity as a people…they are ALL veterans’ issues. We are not a subset of individuals to be identified only on a demographical chart; we are, first and foremost, Americans. As such, and precisely because we have been willing to risk all of self for the greater cause, we naturally have a heightened sense of continuous duty to make certain that those sacrifices we offered, and those of our brethren who did not come home, were not offered in vain.

12. This mission does not preclude holding frequent activities for the camaraderie of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood.

• A vital aspect of our mission is the realization that: There is nothing greater in this world than to associate in a country that you love, with men and women that you love, whom you know would still lay down their life for you or our country.

13. This Code of ethics and conduct cannot be all-inclusive. It is impossible to list all possible violations. Some of the more severe offenses include but not limited to: criminal activity, carrying illegal or illegally carrying firearms (on mission sanctioned rides all firearms will be locked in one’s bike and not carried on their person), unprovoked acts of physical violence, engaging in inappropriate verbal abuse, failing to come to the aid of a brother/sister or law enforcement officer in peril. – These activities shall carry concomitant and instantaneous suspension Veterans in Defense of Liberty™.

• The guiding premise is that all of our action is to be directed with common sense, civility, dignity, and decorum. Should force ever become necessary, only that amount of force to neutralize the threat and control the situation will be tolerated.

• Watch out for yourself; watch out for your brothers and sisters; refrain from any personal behavior which would bring injury to our organization and/or impair its ability to accomplish our mission.

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