2024-03-16 16:30:37
Okay, there isn’t much that riles me more than a privileged, rich, powerful person whinging on about how they are victims of racism. Add in, gee, I “feel like a slave,” and I am done.
‘I Feel Like a Slave:’ @SenatorLamar (D-Memphis) Says GOP Supermajority Is Enslaving Her Because She’s a Black Woman
“That’s a form of slavery,” Lamar said. “I feel like a slave sometimes in this building.” Video: @FOXNashville pic.twitter.com/NtkokwVZIF
— KWAM News Radio 990 AM Memphis (@Mighty990KWAM) March 15, 2024
I have to say that I am so over this crap it’s not even funny, but here we go, a rich, black state senator has the audacity to claim that she “feels like a slave” because her party is not in the majority in her state.
She’s a disgrace. The terror, oppression, violence (sexual and otherwise) that actual slaves endured under many slave owners is belittled and mocked by this privileged, elite state senator. She is a disgrace to her race. To Tennessee. To women. To Everyone. How. Dare. She!!!
— Fuzzy Slippers (@fuzislippers) March 16, 2024
This is the epitome of privilege. How do you claim to be oppressed and a “slave” if you are making bank as a duly-elected state official?
Needless to say, people had thoughts.
Elected public official, lawmaker, gets paid a not-insignificant sum, compares herself to a slave.
Amazing how willing some people are to piss on the graves of their ancestors for attention.
— Uncultured Purrl (@AmericanPurrl) March 16, 2024
More like a spoiled brat, mad ’cause she doesn’t get her way.
Elections have consequences.
— MAGA – American Pitbull ???????? (@MelissaRNMBA) March 16, 2024
I’m a slave unless my policy preferences are followed.
— Robert T. Ives (@Justalurke) March 16, 2024
I don’t think this clown understands the nature of what slavery was, or she wouldn’t say something this ignorant. Her words are an affront to the forebears that suffered actual slavery so she could stand up there and spew garbage out of her pie hole. What a jackass.
— Just Tracy (@TracyOnFire2020) March 16, 2024
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