2024-01-29 14:00:23
The House Homeland Security Committee Republicans released the articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday.
“Over the last year, the House Committee on Homeland Security conducted a comprehensive investigation into the causes, costs, and consequences of the unprecedented crisis at America’s borders, holding 10 hearings, publishing six reports totaling roughly 400 pages, and conducting extensive interviews with chief patrol agents for the U.S. Border Patrol,” stated Chairman Mark Green. “Our thorough and fair investigation exposed Secretary Mayorkas’ abuse of power and refusal to comply with the law. In November, 201 Democrats voted to refer articles of impeachment against the secretary to our Committee and, having completed impeachment hearings earlier this month, we plan to mark up those articles next week.
Republicans began the impeachment process because the border crisis has worsened under President Joe Biden’s administration.
The committee will vote on the articles on Tuesday, January 30. The articles are expected to pass along party lines, moving it to the House floor.
The articles accuse Mayorkas of “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and “breach of public trust.”
The articles detail the immigration laws Mayorkas has allegedly violated and explains why the GOP thinks Mayorkas misled Congress and obstructed the GOP investigation.
The Republicans claim:
Throughout his tenure as Secretary of Homeland Se11 curity, Alejandro N. Mayorkas has repeatedly violated laws enacted by Congress regarding immigration and border security. In large part because of his unlawful conduct, millions of aliens have illegally entered the United States on an annual basis with many unlawfully remaining in the United States. His refusal to obey the law is not only an offense against the separation of powers in the Constitution of the United States, it also threatens our national security and has had a dire impact on communities across the country. Despite clear evidence that his willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law has significantly contributed to unprecedented levels of illegal entrants, the increased control of the Southwest border by drug cartels, and the imposition of enormous costs on States and localities affected by the influx of aliens, Alejandro N. Mayorkas has continued in his refusal to comply with the law, and thereby acted to the grave detriment of the interests of the United States.
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson wants to hold a House floor vote as soon as possible.
Constitutional Law professor Jonathan Turley pointed out that the Republicans do not have much of a case against Mayorkas.
On Fox News, Steve Doocy asked Turley if Mayorkas has committed any of the factors used for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors.
From Mediaite:
“I don’t think they have established any of those bases for impeachment,” Turley replied. “The fact is, impeachment is not for being a bad cabinet member or even a bad person. It is a very narrow standard.”
He then explained how the framers of the Constitution rejected terms like “maladministration” to avoid this very thing. “Past Congresses have recognized that there’s a danger to this once you cross the Rubicon and start to remove cabinet members because they’re not doing a good job.”
“I just don’t believe that they have a cognizable basis here for impeachment,” Turley concluded. However, he did agree with Republican criticism of what he called President Joe Biden’s “open border.”
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