2024-03-19 19:43:07
Mark Judge and other online Republicans have been shredding Christine Blasey Ford’s new memoir that aims to revive her infamous 2018 accusations against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Since its release on Tuesday, the corporate media have been heaping praise on Christine Blasey Ford’s book, One Way Back: A Memoir, hailing it as a triumphant return to the events of 2018.
“Comes to read as an indictment—not of one person, but of a form of politics that sees stories as weapons in an endless war,” wrote Megan Garber of The Atlantic.
“A thoughtful exploration of what it feels like to become a main character in a major American reckoning — a woman tossed out to sea and learning that the water is shark-infested, or at the very least blooming with red tide,” wrote Monica Hesse of The Washington Post.
On Tuesday, during an appearance on The View, co-host Joy Behar even took a moment to scold male members of the audience for not applauding Christine Blasey Ford’s presence.
Conspicuously absent throughout all of the corporate media’s praise of Ford’s book are any mentions of Mark Judge’s 2022 memoir, The Devil’s Triangle (available on Amazon), in which he chronicled his experience behind the scenes away from the media circus, finding himself in a Kafka-esque scenario as Democrat operatives and their media allies engaged in witness tampering, extortion, and outright cruelty in their quest to destroy an innocent man.
“After reading the final FBI report on Brett and me in 2018, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said the following: ‘Anybody who thinks politics isn’t involved in this ought to put down the bong.’ The Stasi media and the left have once again picked up the Blasey Ford bong, and are bogarting it with, to use an apt 80s metaphor, Spicolli-like intensity,” Mark Judge told Breitbart News on Tuesday.
“Blasey’s ‘memoir’ is a wipeout. I am barely mentioned and only via congressional records, because they know better. To this day no one on one of her ‘teams’ – the PR flacks, lawyers and oppo research journalists who write her ‘memoir’ – have refuted a syllable in my book The Devil’s Triangle,” he added.
For the first week of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, everything appeared business as usual. Despite some brief, asinine theatrics from certain Democrat senators, it seemed as if the judge would coast to his rightful place as President Donald Trump’s second nominee to the Supreme Court. That all took a dark, sinister turn on the Sunday of September 16, 2018, when the Washington Post published an allegation from psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford claiming that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party in the 1980s, to which his longtime friend, Mark Judge, served witness. Blasey Ford noteably did not recall when said sexual assault occured. As the Post detailed at the time:
While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.
“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”
Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.
Ford could not recall where or when the party occurred or how she returned home that night. Even more significant, Ford’s childhood friend, Leland Ingraham Keyser, said she had no recollection of being at the party Ford described and even had no memory of ever meeting Brett Kavanaugh. Mark Judge also said he had no recollection of such a party, telling the FBI under oath that he never saw his friend Brett Kavanaugh assault anyone during their time together in high school.
Despite intense protests and calls from leftists to ruin him, Brett Kavanaugh won the day and made it to the Supreme Court.
“At its dark heart, this was a witness tampering and extortion operation,” Mark Judge told Breitbart News last year. “I got a phone call from California on September 14, 2018, threatening to extort me. They were dumb enough to leave a message and I gave it to the FBI.”
“Leland Keyser said she was told nasty things could be said about her if she did not back up Ford,” he added at the time. “I don’t know if Ford was involved in that or if it was others, but that’s all this was. Forget about the yearbooks, the teen slang, the stuff about the 1980s. They did opposition research and then tried to extort me and tried to witness tamper. That’s what it was. For people looking to simplify the fall of 2018, it was, exactly as Brett said, a well-orchestrated political hit. It was a crime.”
Other online Republicans have been debunking the corporate media’s fawning over Christine Blasey Ford’s book, with many noting that even her own father supported Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
The Atlantic’s @megangarber falsely asserts Christine Blasey Ford had any evidence at all to support her allegation. The Atlantic pushed the Kavanaugh rape smear as well as the Russia collusion hoax, the Aisne Marne Hoax, the Alfa Bank hoax, and various other lies. https://t.co/jQfvrN8AwM
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) March 19, 2024
With corporate media attempting to rehabilitate their debunked smear operation against Brett Kavanaugh and his family, here are 21 Reasons Not To Believe Christine Blasey Ford’s Claims About Justice Kavanaugh https://t.co/vg1IlTMaEu
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) March 19, 2024
Liars like @megangarber protecting liars like Blasey Ford are so cute.
Ford offered absolutely NO evidence. Kavanaugh should sue @TheAtlantic https://t.co/OuSpCRUuyr
— Nick Searcy, iNSURRECTIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR (@yesnicksearcy) March 19, 2024
Christine Blasey Ford is an excellent reminder that passion, emotion and deeply felt beliefs do not mean truth.
— Chad Felix Greene ???? (@chadfelixg) March 19, 2024
Christine Blasey Ford had ZERO PROOF of her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.
No location.
No date.
No witnesses.Her friends & family denied it.
But Democrats tried to ruin Kavanaugh based on false allegations.
Men are not safe with Dems in control. Remember this in 2024.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) March 19, 2024
Remember when she listed her friend, Leland Kaiser, as an eyewitness and then when Kaiser said it never happened, Blasey Ford and her lawyer said Kaiser had mental problems? That was fun. https://t.co/kFY5ZdtY9C
— Vanessa (@Nessakins_) March 19, 2024
Christine Blasey Ford came off as someone who had been wounded. But given the lack of evidence, contemporaneous and otherwise, there’s zero proof Kavanaugh is responsible. None. The Democratic Party used her as an eleventh-hour cudgel to derail his nomination. And failed. https://t.co/qOnBtHRKB7
— Kimberly Ross (@SouthernKeeks) March 19, 2024
As Mark Judge previously recalled to Breitbart News, the past five years have been a difficult road for him, and he still suffers PTSD from the incident. As he says in his GoFundMe campaign, “I don’t think even today people know how deep or dark the hit on me was.” Fortunately, his book has given people a small insight into his terrifying experience.
Writing in the Washington Examiner this week, Judge said he has become an “invisible man” to the corporate media, while Christine Blasey Ford charges $50,000 in speaking fees.
“I don’t have Ford’s ‘teams’ of handlers (as Jacobs calls them in her New York Times review). I’m also not charging $50,000 to give a speech, as Ford now is. All I’m left with are nightmares, trauma, and poverty. But I do have my book,” he wrote. “Yet to the media, I am an invisible man.”
Invisible Man. https://t.co/fv501dQEVD @robbysoave @esaagar @nickgillespie @JoeConchaTV @JoeNBC @DavidStrom @TimMeadsUSA @jihadwatchRS @julie_kelly2 @tomselliott @JonathanTurley @QuinHillyer @IngrahamAngle @stevenfhayward @CHSommers @laralogan @lampwright4 @elonmusk @ericmetaxas
— Mark Judge (@markgjudge) March 19, 2024